
  • Inexpensive Home Decorating Ideas | Affordable Interior Design Tips

    Welcome to

    Great Home Decorating, where simple, budget friendly, inexpensive home decorating ideas, advice, photos and tips are all here for you, free of charge and waiting for you to make your own!

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    Wouldn’t it be great if we could all do something like this….

    Take a few simple home decorating tips and ideas, sprinkle them with imagination and creativity, throw them up in the air and when they come floating back down, everything will be in place and your home will have the unique, stylish, pulled-together look that you see on the DIY home design shows (and the images swirling in the back of your mind that never quite come together.)

    I know, life just doesn’t work that way, does it? And decor decisions, purchases and interior design projects are no exception, even those that fall into the ‘cheap, easy on the budget, simple and inexpensive’ category!

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    But finding your own style, your decorating voice, doesn’t have to be difficult and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, either. If you are decorating on a budget & searching for affordable home decor ideas, which many of us are, no worries, keep reading!


    I will show you how to have success by using a simple, straightforward thought process that has worked for me for over fifteen years as a Design Consultant:



    Design inspirations that I have put together to make your decorating (and shopping) life easier. The selections, styles and finishes will change as I find cool pieces, so be sure to check in often!


    Something has to inspire you…give you the initial ‘OH, YES!’ when the light bulb comes on in your head and an inspiration is born.

    Photos and images are always a good way to find inspiration. Learning more about the type of decor that you are drawn to can also give you a solid foundation to build on.

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    Begin to create a plan for your ideas that takes form and direction. It might be selecting the perfect color palette for your interior. Or, finding the best furniture arrangement in your living room. I find that those two decisions are particularly difficult for many of my clients. Follow these links to end the mystery!

    Sometimes it is a particular room in your home that is the challenge. Your plan to create a unique and inspired space for your lifestyle might focus on finding great ideas for…

    The Living Room


    For many of us the living area is the hub of daily living and lifestyle. How do create a functional, inviting space that reflects your own personal taste and style while not breaking the budget? Find tips, inexpensive home decorating ideas and advice for living room decorating.

    The Kitchen


    Do you love to cook family dinners? Chat with family members and friends while the soup is simmerin’ on the stove? Or maybe your preference and lifestyle dictates very little ‘kitchen action’. Tiny kitchen/dining/nook space? All of your questions are answered here.

    The Dining Area


    Can be a real challenge, particularly if this space is multi-tasking! It may take some creative thinking to utilize this space to your best advantage. Learn about color, furnishings, window treatments and more for your dining room.

    The Family Room


    A space where a lot of everyday living takes place. And, it can be a multi-functional room that is a stand alone, or flows right into the kitchen and dining areas. Learn how to create your family room right here using simple and affordable home decor ideas.

    The Bathroom


    Yes, a utilitarian, functional space for sure. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be very cool and even very beautiful, with great inexpensive decor and design advice for both, particularly if you are decorating on a budget. Find creative ideas for the bath that won’t break the budget.

    The Bedroom


    An intimate space, guest quarters, kids room, you name it. Creative, simple, budget friendly and inexpensive home decorating ideas for making your bedrooms come alive with personality and charm.

    The Home Office


    A space that has become a significant room in many a home, mine included. If you spend even an hour a day in the office, why not make it a cheerful and welcoming space? Home office design and color scheme ideas, plus tips for a small office.

    Yes, even the Laundry Room


    Often times a forgotten area when it comes to design ideas. You know what I mean. Who wants to spend time in the laundry room? Yuck. But why not make this space flow into the rest of your residence’s decorating style and color palette?

    Love to shop online and find great deals? If you are ready to buy now, the opportunities are endless with these two sources. I never tire of seeing what’s new & upcoming…how about you?



    My fifteen plus of interior design experience (you can read more About Me here for all of the details!) along with my own life’s ups and downs economically enable me to offer a wealth of affordable, simple and easy home decor tips that won’t drain the wallet.

    You can be assured that I am speaking from my own experience when I offer decor ideas for the do it yourself home decorator for because there have been times in my life when the budget was pretty slim! And, I still use creativity and re-purposing of existing furniture and accessories as my first action when decorating my own place. Why spend money if you don’t have to? Inexpensive ideas for decorating your home can be creative, unique, sophisticated and memorable.

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    It would be so simple if the very first plan for a project was perfect the very first time. But it is in reality a process.

    The more you can learn about…

    ...the better you’ll be able to refine your personal decorating style and preferences.

    If you want do-it-yourself home decorating laid out for you very nicely (you know…speed along the ‘refine’ step), read more about my Decorating Guide, which will do just that in a few simple steps.It’s very cost effective, easy reading and anyone can implement the ideas!

    Once you have been inspired to create and refine your budget friendly home decorating ideas, what do you do next?


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    Are you ready to learn more about your decorating style and create a unique home, interior and exterior?

    Then, take a few minutes to relax, peruse this site and enjoy learning more about the inexpensive home decorating ideas that will inspire you!

    Thanks for stopping in, and hope to see you again soon,



    Return to top of Home Page


    Candi Randolphon

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  • Back Issues for HomeStyles

    Below are all back issues of HomeStyles, which you can subscribe to from this site.

    Click here to return to home page and to subscribe to this e-zine.

    September 02, 2012 — Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #018, September 2012

    February 17, 2012 — Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #017, February 2012

    February 07, 2011 — Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #016, February 2011

    December 31, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #015, January 2011

    October 25, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #014, October 2010

    September 08, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #013, September 2010

    July 27, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #012, July 2010

    June 21, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #011, June, 2010

    May 25, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #010, May, 2010

    April 22, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #009, April, 2010

    March 19, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #008, March, 2010

    February 17, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #007, February, 2010

    January 14, 2010 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #006, January, 2010

    December 24, 2009 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #005, December, 2009

    November 21, 2009 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #004, November, 2009

    October 19, 2009 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #003, October, 2009

    September 15, 2009 — Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #002, September 2009

    Click here to return to home page and to subscribe to this e-zine.

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  • Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #002, September 2009

    Welcome to Great Home Decorating Today, your source for the home decorating ideas, advice, resources and tips that will help create the unique decor that expresses you and your lifestyle!

    I hope you enjoy this publication and find useful home decorating information. I’m always looking for ideas and feedback, so feel free to contact me!


    Decorating trends are to some extent exactly as the word states…trends. I don’t run out and purchase new furnishings and accessories as interior design trends come and go, and you probably don’t either. But, it’s fun to check out the latest and greatest in interior design trends. And, there are some great ideas and concepts that could be incorporated into your home’s decor without breaking the bank.

    Colors for this year and forward are an interesting mix. Shades of pink are working their way back into interior decorating, which is a little surprising, but many define the color pink as a symbol of hope. That puts a little different perspective on this color, which is seen in shades of rasberry, fuschia, petal pink and others.

    A popular neutral that has been making it’s way into the interior decorating trends for awhile now is the color brown. It works across a variety of decorating styles and complements many other colors.

    Gray is another ‘new neutral’ in 2009 design trends, and has been combined with navy, lavender, apple green, fuschia and yellow. Gray provides a slightly softer version of black, which does have an appeal. If you consider this color for your home decor, make sure you include one of the brighter shades mentioned to give the space personality.

    Yellow is definitely a 2009 interior design trend color, and can be brought into many existing color schemes quite easily and inexpensively as an accent color.

    Decorating trends for furniture include straighter lines in furniture, with squared off arms and minimal legs on upholstery, and overall simple, tailored lines in furnishings instead of the slouchy look.

    Another interesting shape is a resurgence of the serpentine look, and it’s being found in furniture, lighting and even fabric patterns.

    Elements such as shiny stone surfaces, glass tops, metallic accents, even concrete counter tops are all making an appearance with this years interior design trends. Others finding their way into current home decorating are textured linens, faux fur, eco-friendly vinyls and soft leather.

    Finally, here is the season’s one must-have item:

    A ‘cabinet of curiosity’, which can be a glass display cabinet or small framed box. It should be filled with anything that tells a story, so will be unique for each individual.

    Items such as vintage materials (postcards, stamps, tea cups, etc), random ‘finds’, natural elements such as birds nests.

    If you decide to create your own ‘cabinet of curiosity’, write and let me know what you create, and include a picture. I’ll post it on my website for all to see!

    My Design Closet…What do I keep in here? Little tricks, tips and helpful decor items.

    When creating a tabletop display of accessories, pictures, holiday items, etc., always strive to use three pieces.

    Vary the shapes and sizes, even if you are displaying one type of accessory. For example, if you love candles and want to display them, instead of lining up three candles of the same height and shape, display three unique candles. There should be one aspect about them that ties them together, such as a color or element, but your display will be much more interesting this way.

    Also, avoid lining your accessories up like ‘little soldiers’, and instead vary both the angle and the placement.

    What’s in your Design Closet???

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  • Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #010, May, 2010

    Welcome to
    Great Home Decorating…I’m glad you stopped in!

    You’ll find simple, helpful decor and design ideas, tips and advice for many different decorating styles, both inside and outside your home.

    Please enjoy your stay, share this site with your friends, and come back often!

    Looking for home decorating help but you don’t want to spend a lot of money?

    ‘Ten Simple Steps to Design Success’ is just what you’re searching for!

    Simple and easy to understand, a quick read, cost effective, practical advice and tips to create a beautiful home interior.

    How do I know this? I wrote the guide! 🙂

    Check it out…give it a try…see how simple home decorating can be!

    Have you heard about….One Kings Lane?

    If you haven’t, you’re missing out on some great online shopping deals.

    One Kings Lane is an elegant, curated online sales site. Anyone can join for FREE, and as a member enjoy spectacular, hand-picked selections of top-brand and designer items at up to 70% off suggested retail prices.

    The specials and sales change regularly, but you can see what’s coming ahead by checking the One Kings Lane calendar…it’s a pretty cool way to shop!

    I have learned one important fact, though, and that is to check in early and often on a sale that I am interested in, and if I see something I like, purchase it. Quantities are limited and once an item is gone, it’s gone.

    The daily emails are addicting, so be forewarned…you will have to stop everything and see what One Kings Lane is offering!

    Sign up for your free membership at One Kings Lane today!

    If you are always on the hunt for inexpensive home decorating ideas combined with great choice in products, remember to check out these online stores. Yes, you probably know them all quite well. So if you’re searching for variety and selection at affordable prices, bookmark these links and use them often!

    Views: 0

  • Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #007, February, 2010

    Welcome to Great Home Decorating Today, your source for the home decorating ideas, advice, resources and tips that will help create the unique decor that expresses you and your lifestyle!

    I hope you enjoy this publication and find useful home decorating information. I’m always looking for ideas and feedback, so feel free to contact me!

    Thanks, Candi

    It’s that time of year again…the holidays are over, for many of us there’s snow on the ground (LOTS of snow in some areas), andoutdoor activities are very limited for most.

    Even in Southwest Florida where I live it’s been a cold winter. I know that the term ‘cold’ is relative to where you reside, but still, our winter has not been pleasant. (poor me…)

    So here we are, inside our homes, waiting for it to be warm outside. What can we do to be productive, avoid consuming too many calories and be really happy with the result?

    Why not create some excitement with your home interior decorating? It will be like a breath of fresh air for you and your home.

    Select the room or space that is the most in need of some decorative ‘freshening up’, and put these three simple interior decorating tips into action:

    First, paint the room a different color. If that is a little beyond your ability at the moment, then consider painting one wall or area (such as a bay window) an accent color.

    A fresh coat of paint gives multitudes in return for the cost of the paint and time to do the work.

    Use a lighter, or darker, shade of the existing wall color, select another color that is currently part of your palette, or, add a new color to the room. It’s your choice.

    Here is some help with selecting paint colors.

    Next, consider using slipcovers to create a different, possibly dramatic look in your room.

    I am working with a client right now who is slowly redecorating her living and dining area. She is going to keep her parsons dining chairs because they are in fine shape, but they are quite dated in fabric, plus the pattern includes colors we are phasing out. The chairs present a very light overall color right now.

    She has some artwork in the dining area that includes several shades of tan, including a coffee color. That is my suggestion for her slipcovers, so we have purchased one for her to live with and see how she likes it.

    Adding that darker shade of coffee brown adds a totally new element to a dining area that has always had very muted, soft shades of color. Plus, the slipcover is skirted so it adds more solidity to the chairs.

    We’re also adding some of the same tans to coffee shades in accessories in the area to tie everything in.

    Do you have a sofa, chair, dining chairs, etc that could benefit from the use of a beautiful slipcover? They are so much more than they used to be.

    Find out more about Slipcovers here.

    If the idea of slipcovers just doesn’t work at all in your space, then consider an interior decorating tip such as new accent pillows and/or chair cushions.

    Finally, take a look at the window treatments in this space. How long has it been since you put them up? Is it time for a change?

    Now if you absolutely love your window treatments, or if they were so expensive that you couldn’t even think about changing them, that’s okay.

    Otherwise, consider giving the window a different type of treatment.

    For example, if you have mini blinds with a valance, take down the valance. Consider a roman shade or faux wood blinds as a replacement for the mini blinds.

    Hang a decorative rod with side panels that reach the floor. If the length will accommodate, hang the rod six inches or so above the top of the window. It will make the ceiling appear taller.

    If the room or space is small, keep the fabric light so it doesn’t appear too overwhelming in the space. That’s just one example. Read more Window Treatment Ideas here.

    So there you go. If you choose to take action on these interior decorating tips, it will require a little bit of thought and planning, so have fun with it, take your time and create a ‘breath of fresh air’ in your home this winter!

    Stop by Great Home Decorating, too, and see what’s new!

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  • Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #009, April, 2010

    Welcome to
    Great Home Decorating…I’m glad you stopped in!

    You’ll find simple, helpful decor and design ideas, tips and advice for many different decorating styles, both inside and outside your home.

    Please enjoy your stay, share this site with your friends, and come back often!

    Looking for home decorating help but you don’t want to spend a lot of money?

    ‘Ten Simple Steps to Design Success’ is just what you’re searching for!

    Simple and easy to understand, a quick read, cost effective, practical advice and tips to create a beautiful home interior.

    How do I know this? I wrote the guide! 🙂

    Check it out…give it a try…see how simple home decorating can be!

    Have you heard about….One Kings Lane?

    If you haven’t, you’re missing out on some great online shopping deals.

    One Kings Lane is an elegant, curated online sales site. Anyone can join for FREE, and as a member enjoy spectacular, hand-picked selections of top-brand and designer items at up to 70% off suggested retail prices.

    The specials and sales change regularly, but you can see what’s coming ahead by checking the One Kings Lane calendar…it’s a pretty cool way to shop!

    I have learned one important fact, though, and that is to check in early and often on a sale that I am interested in, and if I see something I like, purchase it. Quantities are limited and once an item is gone, it’s gone.

    The daily emails are addicting, so be forewarned…you will have to stop everything and see what One Kings Lane is offering!

    Sign up for your free membership at One Kings Lane today!

    If you are always on the hunt for inexpensive home decorating ideas combined with great choice in products, remember to check out these online stores. Yes, you probably know them all quite well. So if you’re searching for variety and selection at affordable prices, bookmark these links and use them often!

    Views: 0

  • Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #017, February 2012

    Welcome to
    Great Home Decorating…I’m glad you stopped in!

    You’ll find simple, helpful decor and design ideas, tips and advice for many different decorating styles, both inside and outside your home.

    Please enjoy your stay, share this site with your friends, and come back often!

    Looking for home decorating help but you don’t want to spend a lot of money?

    ‘Ten Simple Steps to Design Success’ is just what you’re searching for!

    Simple and easy to understand, a quick read, cost effective, practical advice and tips to create a beautiful home interior.

    How do I know this? I wrote the guide! 🙂

    Check it out…give it a try…see how simple home decorating can be!

    Have you heard about….One Kings Lane?

    If you haven’t, you’re missing out on some great online shopping deals.

    One Kings Lane is an elegant, curated online sales site. Anyone can join for FREE, and as a member enjoy spectacular, hand-picked selections of top-brand and designer items at up to 70% off suggested retail prices.

    The specials and sales change regularly, but you can see what’s coming ahead by checking the One Kings Lane calendar…it’s a pretty cool way to shop!

    I have learned one important fact, though, and that is to check in early and often on a sale that I am interested in, and if I see something I like, purchase it. Quantities are limited and once an item is gone, it’s gone.

    The daily emails are addicting, so be forewarned…you will have to stop everything and see what One Kings Lane is offering!

    Sign up for your free membership at One Kings Lane today!

    If you are always on the hunt for inexpensive home decorating ideas combined with great choice in products, remember to check out these online stores. Yes, you probably know them all quite well. So if you’re searching for variety and selection at affordable prices, bookmark these links and use them often!

    Views: 0

  • Great Home Decorating Ideas, Issue #018, September 2012

    Welcome to HomeStyles, your source for the home decorating ideas, advice, resources and tips that will help create the unique decor that expresses you and your lifestyle!

    I hope you enjoy this publication and find useful home decorating information. I’m always looking for ideas and feedback, so feel free to contact me!

    Thanks, Candi

    Living Room Decorating Ideas

    What to do with the decorating living room???

    It is a question I get asked often by my clients. These are common questions as well:

    1) How should the furniture be arranged?

    2) What color should I paint the walls?

    3) What do I put on the walls? Where should the wall decor be placed?

    4) My living room is so boring. What can I do to liven things up?

    Most clients also tell me that they are decorating on a budget and the sky (unfortunately) is not the limit. Sigh…sure would be fun if it wasn’t, but most of you reading this are probably not in that club.

    There are three questions I always ask first, to set the foundation for the question of living room decorating, and to get the creative juices flowing.

    First, how is this room used?

    Seems like an obvious question, but not really. I was in a home yesterday, a large, beautiful home, and in the living room was one piece of furniture. A pool table.

    There was a custom light fixture hanging above the table, game related items hanging on one wall, and that was it. Nothing else.

    So…how is this living room used?

    Once you answer that question as it relates to YOU and your lifestyle, the decorating question becomes a little clearer.

    What is your budget for this project?

    For some, the answer may be…nothing…just some ideas, please. And that is a good answer if it applies to your wallet at this particular time.

    I work with whatever the response from my client is.

    At a minimum we will work with furniture arrangement, because we can always do some interesting and creative things with placement.

    Many times, the first step I take is to remove extra furniture and accessories, including wall decor, that does not serve a function and ultimately clutters up the space.

    So, get that question settled and you’ll be on to the next step.

    The third question I ask is what formulates our plan.

    What is most important to you when
    decorating the living room?

    The plan that results is unique for every client.

    We might decide to paint the walls a new color, including an accent color for one wall that is a focal point in the space.

    Did you know that by simply painting the living room you can create a totally different feel in the space? Try it.

    If you are unsure about what to do, stay with a neutral color, buy a small sample and test it on a poster board to see how it looks in the space.

    Or, we might decide to purchase some new accents, such as end tables, lamps and an area rug. We work within the budget and shop accordingly.

    You can find an endless selection of living room furniture and accessories by shopping online. I really enjoy ‘the hunt’ and find unique, one-of-a-kind home decor for all budgets at One Kings Lane.

    What will YOU do with these living room decorating ideas?

    Need a bit more inspiration?

    You’ll find lots of other ideas and help decorating the living room here.

    Just remember to create a space that fits you personality, budget and lifestyle. Have fun!

    Do you know what your Interior Decorating Style is?

    Why does it matter?

    Well, if you are aware of your preferences in home decorating and design, it will be helpful when choosing a color palette and selecting furniture, flooring, light fixtures, window treatments, accessories, etc.

    Want to learn more? Take this simple quiz and you’ll know where you fit into the home decorating styles scheme of design.

    And, you’ll find lots of helpful information, photos, tips and advice for every style that is described.

    Have fun!

    Views: 0

  • Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #003, October, 2009

    Welcome to Great Home Decorating Today, your source for the home decorating ideas, advice, resources and tips that will help create the unique decor that expresses you and your lifestyle!

    I hope you enjoy this publication and find useful home decorating information. I’m always looking for ideas and feedback, so feel free to contact me!


    October is a time of transition in many ways…weather is changing, sporting events reflect the season with football and hockey underway, and baseball culminating in playoffs. Kids are back in the swing of school and counting the days until their next break!

    Fall in southwest Florida, where I live, is not so much of a weather change, although the rainy season comes to an end as does the humidity and the hottest temperatures. So it is a welcome change although not as dramatic as most areas of the country.

    When I lived in Michigan, fall was always a great time of year, with the leaves changing colors, weather becoming markedly cooler and always a trip to the cider mill!

    I also did my seasonal ‘switching of the wardrobe’ in the fall, putting away my summer shorts and such, and bringing the warmer clothes and coats to the forefront of the closet.

    One way to welcome the fall season and beyond in our homes is to change the look of the interior to reflect the cooler weather and changing exterior, similar to my ‘switching of the wardrobe!’

    A cost effective yet beautiful and dramatic change can be made to your upholstered pieces with the use of beautiful slipcovers. Search for fabrics and patterns that reflect fall colors in complimentary tones for your home’s decor. Have fun with this and try a new and different color and pattern. You can really change the appearance of your upholstered pieces!

    Or, use smaller items such as accent pillows, area rugs and floral arrangements to create an ‘autumn’ feel in your home. Switch out your ‘summery’ looking accessories for different shapes and sizes of candles, books, and collections that have shades of pumpkin, gold, burgundy, brown and green.

    Here are some ideas for great fall harvest decorating.

    First, do you have a fireplace in your home? The fireplace mantel is a natural display area for any time of the year, Autumn no exception.

    I enjoy going outside and collecting interesting shaped twigs, branches, ‘weeds’, etc. and combining them with purchased items such as colorful faux berries and greens to place across the mantel.

    Certainly pumpkins, squash and gourds are always signs of the fall harvest, so feel free to use varying shapes, sizes and colors. The variety is what makes your arrangement interesting and dramatic, so be sure to select carefully.

    Remember that the fireplace hearth is also an area that can look lonely if neglected, so don’t forget about that area. If you don’t actually use the fireplace, or while you’re not enjoying a glowing fire, you can create a beautiful arrangement (fall or otherwise) to place in front of the hearth.

    Find a container that is large enough so it won’t get lost in the ‘black hole’ that is your fireplace, then find branches, faux or real, colorful and natural, etc. to fill it. You can celebrate any season with this type of display.

    For your harvest display, adds some pumpkins, multi-colored corn husks, etc. on the hearth to complete the look. Coordinate the pieces with the mantel so that everything goes together in both style and color.

    Wreaths are always a great choice, and for Autumn displays, keep them natural, as shown.

    Next idea…purchase colorful berries, nuts, beans, etc and display them in unique glass containers. Search through your cabinets and closets and I’ll bet you’ll find some great pieces to use for display.

    Candles are always an appropriate and beautiful addition to any display. Select candles of varying shapes, sizes and scents to create that drama that was mentioned above.

    Create a beautiful fall centerpiece using apples with tea lights set in them. First, find apples that are relatively flat. Place the tea light on top of the apple and trace it with a pencil. Carve out a hole that is the same depth as the tea light and place the tea light in the hole. Put a few of them in a large, attractive bowl of water and light the candles. Surround the bowl with more apples, leaves, greens, etc. and you have a beautiful centerpiece!

    Fruits, vegetables and nuts are always a great (and edible!) choice for harvest decorating. Again, use varying shapes, colors and sizes of display pieces, as well as placing the fruits and vegetable around them. This is an inexpensive and colorful method for creating beautiful harvest decor.

    Enjoy this Autumn season because it will be over before you know it! And, you know what’s right around the corner…..(ho ho ho!)

    Have you visited lately?

    I’ve added some very interesting and helpful information in the past month, including Cottage Decorating ideas, tips and home plans.

    There are new pages of ideas for your Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, Living Room and more!

    And, have you taken the Interior Decorating Style quiz yet?

    Stop in and visit soon!

    Great Home Decorating

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  • Great Home Decorating Today, Issue #004, November, 2009

    Welcome to Great Home Decorating Today, your source for the home decorating ideas, advice, resources and tips that will help create the unique decor that expresses you and your lifestyle!

    I hope you enjoy this publication and find useful home decorating information. I’m always looking for ideas and feedback, so feel free to contact me!


    Well, it’s that time of year already…can you believe it? Thanksgiving is literally around the corner, and holiday decorations abound!

    Ready or not, the holiday season is here. My philosophy this year is, I’m going to enjoy every minute of it! It’s been a tough year for many folks, our family being no exception, and it could be easy to let that influence our holiday season.

    My husband and I decided that we are going to have a great time putting up our holiday decorations inside and out, enjoy every day of the next month or so, and be grateful for every day!

    How about you?

    As I write this newsletter my Christmas decorations are out of the boxes and ready for their holiday placement. I enjoy changing my Christmas displays each year, so I take some time to ponder the possibilities!

    Do you need some inspiration for your holiday decorating this year? Be sure to read about Christmas Decorating Ideas at Great Home Decorating. Just click on the beautiful little Christmas tree above for all of the details!

    Putting up a Christmas tree and getting it decorated can be fun, or it can be a source of frustration. I have a great system for getting the Christmas tree (or trees, if you’re like me and have more than one in your home!) put up, lights on and decorated without stressing out. Click on the beautiful picture to the left for all the info!

    It just wouldn’t be the holiday season without shopping, right? No matter the size of your budget, there are probably some purchases that need to be made.

    So, you could get in your car, drive from store to store, stand in line (for a looooooong time at some stores!), try to avoid all the germs and viruses dancing around you… get the idea!

    Or, you could shop from the comfort of your own home, whenever you please, and never have to stand in line once!

    Here are some great online shopping sources for your holiday needs, or anytime for that matter!. Most names are household words, and all are offering specials, of course.

    Save this newsletter so you can come back and check out all the great deals!

    Kohl’s is offering some great online specials through 12/26/09:

    Shop until 12/29/09 for these specials at!

    Act quickly (through 11/27/09) for these great deals from KMart online shopping!

    The Great Indoors is also offering online specials 11/27 – 11/29/09, so mark those dates!

    Here is a great gift idea! has literally thousands of choices for posters and artwork, for every style and budget. And, you can choose to order just the artwork (most cost effective), have it laminated (I’ve done that and it is just a small upcharge), or have the piece framed. There are great possibilities here…including gift certificates, so be sure to check out

    Enjoy your holiday season. I with you all the best, and have a safe and happy time!

    Until the next newsletter issue in January, 2010, take care and stop by Great Home Decorating to see what’s new!

    Stop in and visit soon!

    Great Home Decorating

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