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Architectural Terms 101 | Home Improvement, Gardening
When you’re reading through the homes for sales, the descriptions commonly refer to various architectural or structural descriptions that are not always explained. Here is a list of some of the more common terms to help you get a clearer picture of what you’re buying.Foyer: A foyer in a commercial building such as a theater is a large gathering space next to the main auditorium or seating area.
This would be the area commonly occupied during intermission for instance. In a house, a foyer is generally the front entry area where guests arrive. Transom: Either one long rectangular window over a door or window, or a series of small windows. Some are opening, but most are fixed and simply allow for extra light. Dormer: An upstairs window with wooden peak that juts out from the roof line, and allows for windows in upstairs rooms. Usually they appear in multiples of two or three, and are common in cape cod style homes.Sidelights: These are narrow windows bordering the outer edges of entrance doors. Some run the full length of the door, others run only part way and are filled in at the bottom. Bay: A bay window projects out from an exterior wall creating added space in a room and adding to the appeal of the outside of the house. Often a seat or ledge is created inside to provide a sunny window seat.Wainscoting: This is a type of wood paneling found on the lower part of the wall, running up about three to four feet. It is often painted or stained in a contrasting color and adds interest to a room.Chair Rail: This wooden feature usually appears at the top of wainscoting, or can be a decorative trim on its own bordering a room. Commonly found in the dining room, a chair rail protects the wall from chairs being pushed away from the table. It also adds an accent to a plain wall or creates a divider between two decorating schemes such as paint and wallpaper.French Doors: These are two doors hinged on the outside edge, allowing them to swing open in the center. Often made of paned glass, they can be used to separate two rooms such as a living and dining room, or often as exterior doors leading to a deck or patio.Coffer: This is a ceiling with small indented wooden panels. In older homes these are constructed solely of wood, but newer models reconstruct the same look by creating a wooden drop ceiling or by bordering a textured drywall ceiling with decorative trim or molding. Gables: These are the triangular end walls formed by a sloping roof. They can be at the front, side or back of a home, over dormers and bay windows. Claw footed tub: These are the old style tubs supported by legs with claw shaped feet, similar to those found in furniture. They stand alone, unlike most tubs which are built into the walls. Today, most tubs are modern reproductions of the older versions. Loft: This is an area usually on the second floor, at the top of the stairs overlooking the lower floor. It is generally bordered by a railing for safety, and creates an open, airy look in a home, allowing those on upper floors to view the activities below.
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Home Improvement | Home Improvement, Gardening
One of the most important places that require remodeling while planning to renovate your home is without question the windows of your home. Regardless of whether you plan to remodel your home in order to put up your home for … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
If you are in search for a very unique and striking feature for your home you should opt for bay windows. These windows are such that they ensure that you get the beauty and the charm you are looking for. … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
When you first get a job at a glass company you may learn things like how to install a replacement window and how to cut glass. There are many things you must learn when working on a glass company and … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
Home owners always have an edge over others while availing loans. These loans are very easily obtainable. These loans can be secured or unsecured. You can use the loan amount in any purposes like improving the colors of house or … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
When you’re reading through the homes for sales, the descriptions commonly refer to various architectural or structural descriptions that are not always explained. Here is a list of some of the more common terms to help you get a clearer … Continue reading
Posted in Home, Home Improvement
Choosing interior doors to match your home is often considered one of the most difficult due to the number of styles and ranges available but decisions can easily be made because there is something to suit all tastes. Before embarking … Continue reading
Posted in Home, Home Improvement
now everyone dreams οf improvements іn living room, bυt thе monthly budget іѕ nοt thе luxury οf getting уουr рlаn іntο action. Home improvement gives уου thе chance tο mаkе уουr dreams come trυе. A Home Improvement Loan саn hеlр … Continue reading
Posted in Home, Home Improvement
Redecorating уουr home саn bе a very exciting time. Placement οf living room furniture sofas аnd οthеr home interior accessories аnd furnishings іn thе rіght way іѕ very crucial. If уου dο thіѕ rіght уου саn mаkе quite аn impact … Continue reading
Posted in Furniture, Home Improvement
Dο уου want tο mаkе changes іn уουr living рlасе? Iѕ thеrе a requirement οf аn extra room іn уουr house? Fοr аnу kind οf changes thаt уου want tο introduce іn уουr home, ѕοmе handy cash іѕ required. Thіѕ … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
Home Improvement projects аrе widely рοрυlаr credited tο thе growth οf TV series аnd designer shows. Whіlе smaller projects top thе list οf frequency, such аѕ painting аnd decorating, аll home improvement projects саn add up quickly. Thе savvy shopper … Continue reading
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admin | Home Improvement, Gardening
One of the most encountered problems is of the cigarette smoke which is offensive for many people and also downright harmful. One such problem is being faced by one lady. She has taken a lot of precautions to keep her … Continue reading
Posted in Home
Bathrooms are an integral part of our lives. They are much needed for our comfort and hygiene. Nowadays, bathroom also serves as lifestyle statement. A bathroom does not just need to be functional and neat but should also have a … Continue reading
Posted in Bathroom
Are there stores that are really different? Sleepers in Seattle believes so. In fact, Sleepers in Seattle is a sofa bed and twin sleeper specialist that has built its entire business model around different. Unlike other retailers and online resources, … Continue reading
Posted in Furniture
A home is where you feel most comfortable. A beautiful home is a source of pride for the owners. A home’s interiors look and feel can be easily be changed by the use of elegant living room furniture sets. All … Continue reading
Posted in Furniture
One of the most important places that require remodeling while planning to renovate your home is without question the windows of your home. Regardless of whether you plan to remodel your home in order to put up your home for … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
If you are in search for a very unique and striking feature for your home you should opt for bay windows. These windows are such that they ensure that you get the beauty and the charm you are looking for. … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
There are many benefits that come with a new bedroom. A new bedroom provides you with extra space therefore reducing congestion in the other bedrooms. People decide to get a new bedroom for various reasons. One of the reasons is … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
When you first get a job at a glass company you may learn things like how to install a replacement window and how to cut glass. There are many things you must learn when working on a glass company and … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
Home owners always have an edge over others while availing loans. These loans are very easily obtainable. These loans can be secured or unsecured. You can use the loan amount in any purposes like improving the colors of house or … Continue reading
Posted in Home Improvement
When you’re reading through the homes for sales, the descriptions commonly refer to various architectural or structural descriptions that are not always explained. Here is a list of some of the more common terms to help you get a clearer … Continue reading
Posted in Home, Home Improvement
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Home Improvement Loans – Make Your Home Beautiful | Home Improvement, Gardening
Home owners always have an edge over others while availing loans. These loans are very easily obtainable. These loans can be secured or unsecured. You can use the loan amount in any purposes like improving the colors of house or to repair bathrooms. Home owners get loan soon because having a home means a permanent address. There are many things that depends the interest rates of the credit. Improving the condition of a home not only looks good but also enhance the value of the property. Person with bad credit record should apply for secured payday loans. There are many lucrative options available in the market, you can choose the best out of that.
These loans are very cheap. Home improvement loan can be obtained on the any purposes relating to home. You can find a loan that exclusively designed for you. One can take it to improve bathrooms or repair floors or any other purposes.
Renovating a home or making permanent additions to the home, increase the value of the home. Home improvement loans, availed for the purpose of making certain improvements, qualify for tax deductions. These loans give you benefit of tax deductions some time. Deduction of tax reduces the amount of taxable income. A tax credit, reduces the actual amount of tax that a person has to pay. Hence, a tax credit is better than a tax deduction since the former reduces the actual tax liability. Compare home improvement loans. There are many compatible policies are there you can take. The market is so competitive so you can find an affordable loan.
One can compare online. This procedure is very fast and customer friendly. You can easily apply without skipping office. Services of the banks have reached people’s bed room.
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Picking Interior Doors For Your Home | Home Improvement, Gardening
Choosing interior doors to match your home is often considered one of the most difficult due to the number of styles and ranges available but decisions can easily be made because there is something to suit all tastes. Before embarking on purchase of interior doors, you need to be sure on exactly the sort of door that will be ideal for your home. Take into consideration the following points and this should make your search a whole lot easier.
Benefits of high quality interior doors
There are a number of benefits associated with the installation of high quality interior doors, but the final result will depend on choosing a suitable door to meet your needs.
The simplicity of an interior door continues to surprise many people but in different types of home, they can work wonders in any environment. If you choose the right door/s then you will be able to make liveable surroundings comfortable and will end up creating a place where people truly want to be. Choosing the best interior doors interior doors can be bought in a variety of sizes. These can be trimmed to suit your requirement free of charge. interior doors can be supplied in a wide range of natural materials including American white oak, walnut, red hardwood, knotty pine, clear pine, beech and many more. Timber and door suppliers usually have an online catalogue for interior doors, which provides details of the doors available together with pictures showing the range of styles. If you are looking for interior doors for your home, you can browse through the online catalogues in the comfort of your home, select some doors, and then call or contact the suppliers for free quotes on interior doors. The suppliers too will provide ideas and suggestion on making the right choice within your budget.
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Home Improvement, Gardening » Blog Archive » what is the difference between planthouses and greenhouses
Greenhouses have actually been referred to by many different names in the past. In fact, you may have heard them called a plethora of different things such as open shelters or even plant houses. Many people often get confused because there are so many different things that you can actually call these dwellings.
However, the difference between greenhouses and plant houses is there is no difference. People, call greenhouses plant houses because it is a location where plants can be grown and harvested within. The houses allow you the opportunity to block your plants off from any adverse weather conditions, as well as the opportunity to grow plants that are out of season.
This glaze will help detour some of the radiation that is coming down off the sun. Too much sun as well as not enough sun can actually be fatal to the plants that are harbored inside of the dwelling.
People obtain greenhouses for many different reasons. However, the most common reason is because they are looking for a safe haven where they can grow their plants and assure that they do not get disturbed by any harsh.
A greenhouse is a controlled environment for your plants. You are able to set the temperature that you would like the house to remain at in order to grow your plants properly. Find out the proper growing temperatures for all your plants before you place them in a controlled environment such as a greenhouse.
A lot of people grow different fruits and vegetables within the houses because they can actually elongate the amount of time that the plants grow for. In a way it is a way to manipulate old Mother Nature.
Greenhouses or plant houses, whichever you prefer to call them are great structures to use in order to keep unwanted pests off of your plants. However, be aware that pests can still enter into the dwelling so it is up to you to ensure that you properly maintain your greenhouse and check the well being of your plants on a daily basis.
If someone asks you to describe the differences between greenhouses and plant houses, you now know that the difference is there is nothing different between either one of them.
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Home Improvement, Gardening » Blog Archive » Square Foot Gardening
Square foot gardening is the method of planning a small planted garden. This practice follows other organic gardening ideas and this method is well suited for areas with really poor soil or novice gardeners or people with disabilities. The original method in this practice normally contains an open box with finite amount of soil, divided into grids.
Each grid is planted with different kinds of plants and the number of plants per grid varied depending on the plant size. Normally, single tomato occupy the whole grid, herbs such as basil, oregano, or mint can be planted four in number, and about 16 radish plants can be planted in one grid. Climbing plants like pole beans are normally plants along the northern row to avoid shading over other plants, and this is supported by netting or lattice.
The smaller beds are used because the gardener can easily cover the whole area without walking on the plants. The path between the beds should be wide enough for a gardener to work comfortably. Each bed is divided into approximately one square unit and the separation is marked with twine or sticks so that it will be visible even after the plants are fully grown. The soils recommended for this type of garden are peat, compost, and vermiculite.
The beds are watered and weeded from the pathways. New soil is always added to create a garden and along with this compost is added to maintain the soil fertility. This gardening method can be followed in any part of the world such as plateaus, deserts, mountains, urban areas, and even in polluted soils. The beds are normally of size 4×4 and it can also be custom made according to the preferences of an individual.
The benefits of this type of gardening are enormous. This gardening requires very much less work than the conventional gardening. The conventional type needs some tools to make soil loose, on the other hand here the soil always remains loose. Weeding is done easily and requires very less time because of the raised beds, light soil, and easily accessed beds. Harvesting also doubles because of the soil mixture, lack of weeds, and spaced plants.
Water saving is another great benefit. The preferred soil mixture has the water retention properties and therefore, one need not have to water plants frequently like the ordinary methods. Hand-watering is possible with this practice because of which young plants can be saved. This close planting also shade out the weeds and eliminates the weeds to germinate.
The natural insect repellent methods are used in square foot gardening, which means this is a pesticide and herbicide free gardening. Accessibility with this type of gardening is enormous. Plywood can be attached at the bottom of the box and the box can be placed on any raised platform. This way physically disabled person can also involve themselves in gardening.
This gardening method allows people to create their own garden and grow organic, fresh homegrown foods. This practice requires only little time of maintenance and this is the best way to calm and relax from the everyday stress.
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Home Improvement, Gardening » Blog Archive » Indoor Fountains
After coming home from a long day of working, the first thing that any person would want to do is to rest and relax. Especially after a hard day or bad day at work, a person would want to kick back and relax in their home. It is important that people get their rest after work so that they can recharge for the next day of work. Around the house, there are a lot of different places wherein they can relax. A lot of people like to relax in the privacy of their bedrooms, where they can lie down and sleep on their beds. Another area would be the living room where they can sit down and eat their dinner while watching the news on the television.
Others like to relax outdoors in their gardens or in the backyards. To make your relaxing experience even better outside, you can buy and install fountains. Fountains will not only make your garden or backyard a lot more aesthetically pleasing, it can also help you relax more outdoors. The sound of running water has been said to help relax a person. If you do not have a garden or backyard or if you live in an apartment, you do not need to worry about anything. You can opt to buy and install a wall waterfall instead inside your home. A wall waterfall also saves you a lot of floor space because as its name implies, you can just mount it on your wall where a spout will drop water to a basin below. To save even more space and still have a fountain in your home, you can also buy a tabletop fountain. As it names says, you can place it on tables around the house or in a specific room that you want.
This way you can still enjoy the perks of having a fountain inside your home while still saving space and making it as aesthetically pleasing as possible. To relax better at home from a long day of working, always pick the right spot. Different kinds of fountains are available to increase the relaxing ambiance of your house. In the event that you live in an apartment or condominium unit, you can go for a wall waterfall instead. A tabletop fountain is a great idea to save more space.
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Home Improvement, Gardening » Blog Archive » Perennials in the Garden
Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with perennials in the garden? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Caring for perennials in the garden.
Truthfully, the only difference between you and Caring for perennials in the garden experts is time. If you’ll invest a little more time in reading, you’ll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to Caring for perennials in the garden.
Perennials have long been one of the most popular classifications of flowering plant, and this is likely to continue for some time. There are many advantages to using perennials in the garden, not the least of which is their ability to regenerate year after year. The ability to plant once, and enjoy season after season of beautiful flowers, is one of the things that make perennials so popular with beginning and experienced gardeners alike.
Another great thing about perennials is that they are usually very easy plants to care for and to work with. Most perennials have needs that are quite undemanding, requiring little more than good soil, sufficient water and adequate sunlight. Even so, perennials also have their own issues, and one of the biggest issues is that perennials, due to their nature, are more prone to insect infestation and disease infection than are annuals, which have a much shorter life span. The very fact that perennials remain in the ground season after season means that infection can gain a foothold, even in the off season.
The best way to combat infection is to stop it from starting in the first place, and one of the best ways to accomplish that goal is to buy only the healthiest most vibrant plants. It is important to pay careful attention to the plants you buy at your local nursery, and to reject any that show signs of damage, disease or insect infestation. That is because healthy plants are better able to withstand any pathogens that may exist in the soil. A healthy plant will be able to withstand and fight off an infection that would kill a weaker one.
In addition, many perennials have been bred to be resistant to common diseases and pest infestations, so if these disease resistant varieties are available it is a good idea to seek them out. Perennial growers have spent many years using selective breeding to choose those plants that are best able to withstand commonly seen garden problems.
After the plants are in the ground, it is a good idea to check them often for any signs of problems. The best time to examine your plants is often when you are weeding the plants or watering them. This is a great time to look at the plants for any problems. Note any plants with wilted leaves, holes in the leaves, spots on the leaves or flowers, wounds on the stems or other possible problems. If you notice any problems, be sure to diagnose it accurately, using either a guide book or the eye of a more experienced gardener. Diagnosing the problem accurately is the first step toward curing it.
How you water perennials can have a big impact on their health. Overhead watering encourages water spots to remain on leaves, and these wet spots can be conduits that allow infection to spread from one plant to another. It is best to water deeply, using either drip irrigation or a soaker hose. Not only will this avoid standing water on the flowers and leaves, but it will also allow much needed water to reach the roots.
Of course, proper care for perennials does not end when the growing season is over. It is important to care for these plants the right way after they have finished blooming. It is important to trim and prune is variety of perennial according to the recommendations for the species. Some perennials need to be radically trimmed back, while other varieties should be trimmed only lightly or not at all. It is important to pay attention to the needs of each variety in your garden.
Don’t limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about Caring for perennials in the garden. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what’s important.
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Home Improvement, Gardening » Blog Archive » what is the difference between planthouses and greenhouses
Greenhouses have actually been referred to by many different names in the past. In fact, you may have heard them called a plethora of different things such as open shelters or even planthouses. Many people often get confused because there are so many different things that you can actually call these dwellings.
However, the difference between greenhouses and planthouses is there is no difference. People, call greenhouses planthouses because it is a location where plants can be grown and harvested within. The houses allow you the opportunity to block your plants off from any adverse weather conditions, as well as the opportunity to grow plants that are out of season.
This glaze will help detour some of the radiation that is coming down off the sun. Too much sun as well as not enough sun can actually be fatal to the plants that are harbored inside of the dwelling.
People obtain greenhouses for many different reasons. However, the most common reason is because they are looking for a safe haven where they can grow their plants and assure that they do not get disturbed by any harsh.
A greenhouse is a controlled environment for your plants. You are able to set the temperature that you would like the house to remain at in order to grow your plants properly. Find out the proper growing temperatures for all your plants before you place them in a controlled environment such as a greenhouse.
A lot of people grow different fruits and vegetables within the houses because they can actually elongate the amount of time that the plants grow for. In a way it is a way to manipulate old Mother Nature.
Greenhouses or planthouses, whichever you prefer to call them are great structures to use in order to keep unwanted pests off of your plants. However, be aware that pests can still enter into the dwelling so it is up to you to ensure that you properly maintain your greenhouse and check the well being of your plants on a daily basis.
If someone asks you to describe the differences between greenhouses and planthouses, you now know that the difference is there is nothing different between either one of them.
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